This module handles writing operation results into files
Creates the output class. fully inherited, executes
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from simo.output.test.init_objects import InitData, TestLogger
>>> idata = InitData()
>>> idata.init()
>>> testdb = idata.testdb
>>> const_obj = idata.const_obj
>>> aggr_obj = idata.aggr_obj
>>> expr_obj = idata.expr_obj
>>> from simo.output.opres import OutputOpres
>>> out = OutputOpres(testdb, 'result', ['stand1'], 'stratum',
... 'optimized',
... 'output/test/opres.txt', TestLogger(),
... const_obj, 1, False, True, aggr_obj, expr_obj,
... ['cash_flow', 'Income', 'Scrapwood', 'Volume',
... 'BIOMASS_branches', 'BIOMASS_stumps'], ['assortment',
... 'SP'])
>>> try:
... file = open('output/test/opres.txt', 'r')
... for line in file:
... print line.rstrip('\n')
... finally:
... file.close()
op_level; id; op_date; iteration; branch; op_group; op_name; Volume; cash_flow; assortment; SP
comp_unit; stand1; 2009; 0; 0; regeneration; planting; ; -456...; ;
comp_unit; stand1; 2009; 0; 0; final_harvest; clearcut; ; 3456.7; ;
comp_unit; stand1; 2009; 0; 0; final_harvest; clearcut; 123.2; ; 5.0; 1.0
Uses data from init to run the class-specific output (self.opres)
This function will get the operation results from the datadb and returns them in a formatted list of rows. The constraints, dates and date_res are as above. Classifiers are prepended to the end of the row, where applicable
>>> headers = ['op_id','op_level','id','op_date',
... 'iteration','branch','op_group','op_name'] + \
... ['Volume', 'cash_flow']
>>> opres = out._get_opres_strings(headers, constraints=None,
... dates=None, date_res=0)
>>> pprint(opres)
[' op_level; id; op_date; iteration; branch; op_group; op_name; Volume; cash_flow; assortment; SP',
u' comp_unit; stand1; 2009; 0; 0; regeneration; planting; ; -456...; ; ',
u' comp_unit; stand1; 2009; 0; 0; final_harvest; clearcut; ; 3456.7; ; ',
u' comp_unit; stand1; 2009; 0; 0; final_harvest; clearcut; 123.2; ; 5.0; 1.0']
>>> pprint(out._get_opres_strings(['op_id','op_level','id','op_date',
... 'iteration','branch','op_group','op_name', 'cash_flow'],
... constraints=None, dates=None, date_res=0))
[' op_level; id; op_date; iteration; branch; op_group; op_name; cash_flow; assortment; SP',
u' comp_unit; stand1; 2009; 0; 0; regeneration; planting; -456...; ; ',
u' comp_unit; stand1; 2009; 0; 0; final_harvest; clearcut; 3456.7; ; ',
u' comp_unit; stand1; 2009; 0; 0; final_harvest; clearcut; ; 5.0; 1.0']
This function will use _get_opres_strings with the given restrictions and date resolution, and writes the results into the given file
>>> out.opres('test.txt')
>>> lines = []
>>> try:
... file = open('test.txt', 'r')
... for line in file:
... lines.append(line.rstrip('\n'))
... finally:
... file.close()
>>> lines == opres